Wednesday, September 19, 2012

16 - My Views On Mainstream Music

Day 16: Your views on mainstream music

Well, I don't usually listen to main stream music because I usually don't like it. I think a majority of the main stream music artists are demented and weird, and their songs are just a bunch of emotional noise. I honestly don't understand how they become so popular and liked. Take Lady Gaga for instance: weird, sensual, demented, and noisy. She was a really pretty girl before she started doing the funky hair styles and make up, and I think she could have a pretty voice if she didn't try to sound weird. I don't get the people who like her. Honestly, there are people who almost seem to worship her. In my opinion, those aren't the kind of people I want on my team when the zombie apocalypse happens (okay, I don't seriously believe in a zombie apocalypse).
Next, most mainstream music has no point. I mean seriously; the words to the songs are proving...what? Nothing. They make absolutely no point. Lady Gaga is another fine example. My mind is STILL trying to figure out what the point was to one of her songs that I listened to a year ago (don't ask me what song it was, because I can't remember... all I know is that it did not make sense).
And if the songs do have a point (or a theme more like), it usually is not a theme/point that I want to hear about. Take most of Usher's songs for instance: I have not found ONE SONG of his that does not have to do with sleeping around. And seriously, teenagers LOVE him?? Ooookay. Not a great role model people! views on main stream music are not what everyone likes. But at least I know that I am not the only person who views mainstream music with a negative light.
Oh, and by the way, here is an awesome picture to make you grin.
In case you don't know who the last guy is, next to the mascot, it's Justin Bieber. He-he-he-he....


  1. Now let's be nice...we call them "expendable crewmen" :P -Evy

  2. Oooooh! Evy being nice to JB??!??
