Tuesday, September 11, 2012

8 - A Moment I Felt the Most Satisfied with My Life

Day 8: A Moment I felt the most satisfied with my life

...........................................................................Hard question................................
................... Allow me to ponder this for a couple of more dots.........................................
Well....there was this ONE time....
Actually, this is a really silly question for me, personally. I hardly EVER feel unsatisfied with my life. I am a happy, content, easily satisfied little person. Give me a box, a blanket, and a stick, and I will be a happy person.
However, I do remember one time, just a year ago, when I felt the MOST satisfied with my life.
It was after I had my puppy, Tyrone. He sat and stayed for 5 minutes with only one command from me: a sign language command. Not only was I thrilled, but for some reason I felt complete, especially as I curled up on the couch with him that evening.
My barely 5 month old puppy was understanding his sign language and he was gladly sitting and staying in place for me. MY puppy.
.......................................................>Heavy Sigh<......................................
Well, every soldier has their glory days that they treasure, right?
I'm glad that Tyrone learned such good manners and commands (voice and sign) before he left for his new home. The gentleman that has him now is a lucky guy.
I shall go cry now, and wallow in self pity.
I hate tough blog posts!


  1. There there don't cry on us! Just eat a chocolate bar, get in the car and drive to my house. Where I will have ice cream and M&M's waiting (Maybe even pretzel sticks)

  2. :-) Thanks! I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to do that!
