Monday, September 10, 2012

7 - My Favorite Childhood Toys

What type of horse rider are YOU?
Your Result: The Recreational Rider
resultYou ride because you enjoy it. You don't have any long-term goals or competitive plans, you just love having fun with your horse! You spend every extra cent you have on your horse, and drive your friends crazy by spending all your spare time with your pony!
The Horselover
The Horse Whisperer
The Dressage Rider
The Eventer
The Showjumper
What type of horse rider are YOU?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

So, that was a random thing that I ran across and decided to share. 
I totally saw the result coming. Recreational Rider.... Yep, that's me!
Anyway.... off subject ---> pushed aside.
Just in time for another off subject!
I found this today. IT CRACKED ME UP! It totally explains me to perfection: 

In case you are having difficulty reading it, it says: PLEASE, DO NOT ANNOY THE WRITER. SHE MAY PUT YOU IN A BOOK AND KILL YOU. to a "T".
Thankfully, I am not easily annoyed, but that doesn't mean that I don't get annoyed. *eyes the crowd suspiciously*
Okay, so again: Off Topic. I am getting ON topic now.
Day 7: Your Favorite Childhood Toys
I didn't particularly have a favorite toy as a kid. I really liked to dress up and play outside with Kris. 
We would build and act out amazing adventures. We would play outside in the Spring and Autumn time from morning till evening. It was so much fun....We would be explorers that would roam the lands, seeking treasure, meeting tribes of people, and fighting strange monsters. During the summer, we were pirates sailing across the seas in our play fort, or we were slaves working in the mud until our grand escape. During the winter, we traveled in a land of snow giants, or lived in a ice world where wolves and people lived and worked together as friends.
Yes, my favorite childhood toy was and still is my imagination.

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