Wednesday, September 12, 2012

9 - If I could have any job in the world, what would it be?

Day 9: If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

Well, I am pretty happy with my job right now as a green house manager....that is, I would be pretty happy with it if there were a green house to manage.
See, my boss is still in the process of getting his green houses. So, my main job has been to help him with his ranch and farm equipment. But when he gets his green houses, and once we get them set up, then I think I will be a pretty busy green house manager, and I will be really enjoying it I think. I do love to work with plants.
I really like doing ranch work too: working outside, working cattle, working on equipment....well, honestly, I just like working period. It gives me a sense of accomplishment, it gets me away from the voices in my head (those voices REALLY annoy me with their constant chatter when I have nothing to do), and it gives me a form a stability that I typically cannot produce by my own random, easily distracted self.
Honestly, of all the jobs I have had so far, I have enjoyed ranch work the best. Why? Because everyday brings me a new funny or amazing story to write down and tell. It isn't a story that I made up in my head with my voices. It is a story of my day. I am in it. It really happened. And it is usually pretty stinking funny!

However, ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to have a job with horses. Ranch work usually involves horses in some way, so that is another bonus for ranching. But the job I wanted to have when I was little was taming and training horses.
I do train horses occasionally....more or less....but I am not in a position to do it as a full time job, nor do I think it will ever become a full time job. First of all, I do not have the facilities or money for the job, and it does not look like I will have it in the very near future. Next, and the most important: only a select few horses get along with me. The rest typically can't stand me.
Don't ask me why, because I have no clue (except with Thoroughbreds: the feelings between us are usually lethally mutual).
So, if I could have any job in the world, it would be training horses, but under the current circumstances..... I am pretty happy with where I am at right now.

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