Saturday, September 8, 2012

5 - My Favorite Comfort Foods and Why

Day 5: Your favorite comfort foods and why

Well, when I am sad/depressed, I just don't eat at all. And when something tragic happens, I am usually busy helping, organizing, or more than likely, cleaning up after the tragedy that I caused!
However, I do remember this one time.... during my first week at Character First, we stayed at a log cabin out in the country so we could be trained and prepared for teaching in the elementary schools.
We (the interns) often went out for walks in the snow down to the creek. It was very peaceful there and it was a good place to digest all the stuff we had learned or were learning.
I think it was about 2 days into training, and this guy from California (AHEM....Jer) got LOST out in the wild fields of good 'ol Oklahoma.
No one realized until it was almost supper time, growing dark outside, and he was not accounted for.
I honestly had no clue what was going on. I just remember thinking "Wow...everyone is wound up." and I just sat in confusion until one of the girls explained that the guy who always fought for the daisy blanket (inside joke) was missing.
OOOOH! I see now!
Of course, when I figured out what was going on, I wanted to go out and help look for him, but NOOO! All the girls were to stay inside because "they might get lost too". HUMPH!
So, seeing as all the girls were cooped up inside and were a nervous wreck, we broke out some cigar pretzels and chowed down on them until we cleaned out TWO BAGS.
I think that was the only time cigar pretzels have ever tasted so good... and I have no clue why. Usually pretzels make me dry and thirsty.
Anyway, needless to say, the dude was found (after he had made a very long trudge to a farmer's house in the cold and snow). Restrictions were put on the rest of us about how far we could walk. And that was, as far as I can remember, the only time I have done any nervous/comfort eating.
So, alls well that ends well, right? camera then took terrible pictures.
This is part of the team I was in: we made a tower out of marshmallows, pipe cleaners, and Popsicle sticks.

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