Friday, September 7, 2012

4 - My Views on Religion

Day 4 - Your Views on Religion

Oooooh... another possible BURN NOTICE in effect.

Let me start this off by saying I am a follower of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Savior and Messiah. I believe the Holy Bible and anything written by the ancient prophets of YHWH from cover to cover. I do not claim to belong to any certain 'Denomination' of the church, because honestly, they all are wrong about something in one way or another.
Okay, no confusion there, right? Good. Now I can continue.
When I go to church, I prefer to go to Seventh Day Adventist.
Once I did a little research on the SDA, and once I was acquainted with a large group of Seventh Day Adventist members, I found them to be very inviting and open, even in their doctrine.
I don't mind going to an occasional Baptist sermon, but usually their sermons are HIGHLY predictable: if you are not a christian, you are going to hell. Repent today.
Yeah, I prefer to hear sermons where I can learn something. I know I am saved. I have been forgiven. I have escaped damnation. Now, GIVE ME SOMETHING TO EAT!!!

Anyway, to continue: I detest going to churches or meeting people who are very closed minded about things. And note: I said PEOPLE, not just Christians, that are closed minded.
I hate it when people are closed minded about things such as: ancient legends, dragons, aliens, holistic medicine ('holistic' means, 'the whole body'), Native American culture, and Mythology.
I firmly believe that each of these things have a bit of truth to them. They should not be taken lightly as 'innocent' or 'harmless', but neither should they be thrown aside as 'evil' or 'satanic'. We can seriously learn from these things or, as I have found, possibly come to a better understanding about things in the Bible; things that previously were looked at with confusion.
For example:
By studying ancient mythology, I have learn about things and people before and right after the Flood of Noah's time, (and yes, I believe in a world wide flood), and I have also come to understand some of the prophecies from scripture with more clarity. Weird huh? Not so much.
See, I also learned by studying mythology that the gods in the stories were not originally considered gods when the legends first started. Only in later years whenever the ancient civilization (take your pick of which one) began to decline did the stories get warped!
And just think for a moment: people in today's world only use 10% of their brain...or less.
BEFORE the flood, when the world was still in perfect form, people back then would have been able to use 100% of their brain. Get that? 100%!!! That is a long way from little bitty 10%. Not only could Adam, Eve, and Noah, Sham, Ham, & Japeth have skipped 2nd grade and highschool, but they could have probably figured out how to make an atomic bomb without the need for a giant nuclear plant!!
SERIOUSLY, what could people do back then that would have created the NEED for God to wipe out the planet?

Anyway...that is what I mean: Don't be closed minded about things such as religion and what not... but don't be so open minded that you are vulnerable to stupidity.
And one more thing: while you arrogant pastors and deacons and little church going people are arguing about splitting a church over weather a man should wear a tie to service or not, the devil is having a hay day taking in more lost souls and putting more names on his list. Seriously, people are WATCHING YOU, and when they see you thumping your Bible in people's faces and clobbering anyone who thinks differently than you do, what on earth is going to make them think "Hey! I wanna be in that person's group!"


  1. i had forgotten, but now I remember the interesting conversations we had in our room about these things.

  2. LOL! Yeah, I was thinking of some of those conversations as I was writing this! As I thought back I was like "Man....I should have presented some of those differently to her. I probably creeped her out!"
