Thursday, September 6, 2012

3 - My Top 5 Pet Peeves

Day 3: Your Top 5 Pet Peeves


Number ONE: I hate a dirty toilet. Dirty toilets lead to filthy toilets, and that causes the vomiting of perfectly healthy people, which in turn makes the filthy toilets HOPELESS.
Seriously, if I walk into someone's home, or into a quick stop that has a filthy toilet, I will stop whatever I am doing, find some sanitation devices, and clean it myself! Some people find this offending, but honestly: I am perfectly capable of doing what you have not already done, and I will do what you obviously are not going to do. Got it?
Okay, moving on.

Number TWO: non-face-to-face confrontation. I am so sorry....but if you refuse to confront me face to face about an issue that you have with me, how on earth do you think I am going to ever take you seriously? And if you are going to hide behind a phone or computer instead of meet me somewhere when we have some serious differences, how on earth do you expect me to respect you?
If I am in a confrontation with someone, I like for it to be brought out into the open, and I like to hash things out face to face. That way, I KNOW who I am dealing with.

Number THREE: Bad grammar and spelling. Nothing irks me more than to have someone trying to talk to me on chat or email and it looks like this: "hey iwas wandering if u cood snd me a frnd rquest"

Number FOUR: Attitude. When I see Cocky, Uppity, Poor Me, I'm Hot, or Your Stupid coming my way on the street, I usually forget about being irked by them, and just snap their heads off. I have people who can attest to this fact.

Number FIVE: 'Bubble crowders'. I NEED personal space. There are very few people who are allowed to hug me, much less allowed to get within an arms length of me. I usually like to have a chair all to myself, even if it is love seat size. Those that I am comfortable with are able to enter and exit my bubble at will, with the exceptions of hugs. I don't mind an occasional hug...but 2 a day is OD for me!
If I don't know you very well, you need to stay an arms length away from me at all times. Otherwise I am going to snap and go this: BLAHSSLAHSIHDPASIAHHAAAAAH!!

And, just an off thing, I took these BEAUTIFUL pictures the other day. I wanted to share them with you.

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