Sunday, September 16, 2012

13 - Somewhere I'd Like To Move or Visit

Day 13: Somewhere you'd like to move to or visit
Well, if it came down to moving from where I am at now, I would want to move just 30-40 more miles west from where I am now.....on the other side of Crabbyville....FAR on the other side of Crabbyville.
If I was just visiting somewhere, and if it was a short trip, I would probably go to Oklahoma City to visit my friend there.
If I was going somewhere for a long visit I know EXACTLY where I would want to visit:
OR: - Web Banner Designs
I have amazing friends in both places.... :-)

We did some major work with our two young colts today!
I posted photos and an update. Come take a look!


  1. Replies
    1. ;-) So am I! Hopefully I can come see you SOON! My mom needs to get her sewing machine worked on in OKC, and she would like to stay a couple of days with a friend there....
      I don't know when that will be exactly, but it is in our plans for the future. :-D
