Saturday, September 15, 2012

12 - Bullet My Whole Day...SCRATCH THAT!

Day 12: Bullet your whole day
Wake up
Talk with mom for a moment
Go to the bathroom
Comb my hair
Text Liz
Call my boss
Go to the living room and listen to mom read aloud
Stay in the living room and listen to mom read aloud
Have some lunch
Listened to mom read some more
Yeah….is it really worth bulleting my day?? On a SATURDAY?
Eh, no.
So, to make up for this bum deal, I will post a NEW SHORT STORY for you to read!
Hope you like it!

The Knight and The Lady

He had fought many battles: the battle of the moors, the battle of the wall, and even the battle for the hallowed ground of the Capitol city as well. Blood shed, screams of pain, and the glint of the sword were familiar things to him, but the scream of his heart and the rush of his own blood was unfamiliar as he suddenly found himself fighting a battle that he had never dreamed he would fight: a battle with his own heart.
Standing before him was the most divine and beautiful being he had ever seen. Her nut brown hair was braided back with a few strands falling loose next to her rosy cheeks, expressing the free, strong spirit evident in her dancing blue eyes. The smile on her face out shone the stars above, and her eyes, oh her eyes! They were like the sea on a calm day: beautiful, peaceful, confident, deceptive, alluring.
Her face held all of her character. Gentle, but adventurous and free, full of vigor and never without merriment, perhaps strong willed, but wisely cherishing every moment given her in life.
For a moment, all the world faded, just leaving just him and her together, alone. For the first time in a very long time he was truly happy, and the contentment he felt was next to the peace surely found in Heaven. But his bliss quickly ended when he remembered that he not only stared upon the most beautiful woman the world has ever known, but he also stared at another man’s future wife: the fiancé to his beloved king.
That is when the battle with his heart began. He could not fall in love with this woman. Forget falling in love with her! The moment she had stepped into the flowering courtyard, garbed in her fine yellow dress with flowers entwined in her hair and the sun light glinting off her glossy locks, he was ambushed, brutally assaulted, and bashed in the head with love! He was struggling with all his might to keep his quaking heart from exploding from his chest and into her hands.
“Oh God! Why? Although I have never imagined or wished for such a thing, I have heard men sing of the day they would meet the woman of their dreams, yet now I find that I have indeed found the woman who surpasses any dreams that I could have and she is destined to be wed to another: a man who I love more than even myself.”
She cocked her head as she looked at him and an ornery smile came across her face “Are you well sir knight? Your cheeks are flushed.”
The heat he had felt before was nothing compared to the new wave that rose into his face following her comment “I, well, I am, well” he shut his mouth before he could stammer anymore stupidity, but he could not look away from her. How could anyone look away from something so beautiful? Blink once and it could disappear.
“Lancelot!” The sharp voice of his commander pushed him to divert his eyes and stand up straight, but remove his conflicting bonds it could not “Escourt the lady Guinevere to her mount.” His commander hissed.
He looked back down at the fair maid and felt his heart melt.
She stared back at him now with a soft and understanding expression, almost appearing lost and dazed as she looked at him, but there was also something else different in her expression: fear. Fear now glinted in the back of her once dancing, sparkling eyes. The very same fear he felt swirling inside of him: the fear of love.
She swallowed and raised her hand as a small, uncertain smile touched her rose lips “Shall we, sir Lancelot of Camelot? We have a long road ahead of us and I would hate to disappoint king Arthur with my late arrival.”
He slowly reached out and took her hand, then looped her arm through his as he stepped beside her, never removing his eyes from hers “Indeed, we have a long road ahead of us my Lady Guinevere. However, I do not think that your late arrival is what will disappoint the king.” The words fell softly from his lips.
“Oh? What will disappoint the king?” She asked.
He sighed heavily as he looked ahead of them “Only I will.” He whispered under his breath.

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