Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1 - My current Relationship

Day 1: your current relationship. If single, discuss being single.

My current relationship: I'm married to this great guy called Bob. But don't tell anyone, because we eloped, and we don't actually live together. We just wanted a good excuse to change the relationship status on our facebook accounts.....but seeing as it's supposed to be secret, we can't change our relationship status on our facebook accounts. So, we're kind of in a pickle.
NOT! Just kidding!
I am a happy single person. Singleness is bliss. I think my friends get tired of hearing me say this over and over again, but really: how often do you hear someone say that? And REALLY mean it?
Honestly, the happy little people who are in relationships are the ones who inspire me to singleness. I say this a lot too, but it's true.
I see a lot of very happy relationships: I also see the troubles in those happy relationships. I also see the restrictions in those relationships.
Very few of the people in these relationships are complaining about the troubles or the restrictions: they accept the restrictions and work through the troubles. But for me personally, I am too wild and free to accept such restrictions as come with marriage. The troubles don't bother me. But the restrictions do.
The only reason I would be in any sort of a relationship is because I would be considering marriage. And in my opinion, if a girl isn't ready to accept the responsibilities of married life, she should not be in a 'Relationship'.
So what do I mean by "restrictions"?? Well, being a girl, 'restrictions that come with marriage' means that I do not have the freedom of a single life anymore. I am to focus on what my husband wants. I need to focus on pleasing him, respecting him, serving him, etc. And then I have to focus on the needs of a possible family of my own as well.
Call me selfish, call me a snob.... but I just don't feel ready to be in a partnership like that; to open my heart to vulnerability in a way that I have never done before. To have to look to the needs of another, and not just myself. To make myself ready for children of my own (and I am sorry: if you aren't accepting the possibility that children could come right away, you should not be considering marriage).
 I am happy being relatively free to make my own decisions, to do my own things, visit my friends, go to places I want to go, etc. I can be care free (for the most part) and to not have to worry about pleasing someone else other than the people whose authority I am already accustom to: my mother and father.
Really, I have a hard enough time remembering to respect my mom, dad, and my brothers; to keep myself ready to serve them with a smile, to fulfill their expectations, to speak kindly to them, and to keep a good relationship with each of them. WHY ON EARTH would I want a boyfriend or husband if I have a hard enough time respecting my father and tolerating my brothers????
Perhaps my main issue here is FEAR.... fear that I might fail someone special to me.
I am afraid that I am too strong willed, opinionated, and ornery for a man. My dad does a great job at putting up with me. So do my brothers.
I am way too scatter brained to stay focused on something.... I could drive a man to drink with my low attention span.
I could drive a man to drink with my "bear like" personality too: happy as long as you don't crowd my space,  agitated when something doesn't go right, and then all of this sudden MURDERING someone!
Yeah.... I am not marriage material. And I am not afraid to admit it. I am please and happy to be single, and I will gladly stay that way until I am 80....or until someone, like God, smashes my head in. And He just might....but I'm not counting on it.
Honestly, although marriage is a fine thing to look forward to, and a relationship with someone significant from the opposite sex is often yearned for (as is natural), singleness is not something to fear or to throw aside. You have freedom in many areas when you are single that you might not have when you are married. There are some things that you can do more freely when you are single than when you are married.
It may differ for each person, but I assure you: those freedoms are there.
If you are single, I encourage you to look for those freedoms and pursue them while you remain single. Don't squander your single years "looking" or "waiting" for a relationship. Use your single years to do something good: to save money, to build a business or home, or to help others.
And here is the perfect Bible Verse to finish up my thoughts:
"I think that in view of the present distress it is good for a person to remain as he is. Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you free from a wife? Do not seek a wife. But if you do marry, you have not sinned, and if a betrothed woman marries, she has not sinned. Yet those who marry will have worldly troubles, and I would spare you that." - The Apostle Paul - 1 Corinthians 7: 26-28 ESV

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