Monday, September 3, 2012

New 30 Day Challenge!

M'kay, I have been convinced to do another 30 day challenge.
I have to admit, I REALLY enjoyed the last one.
So, a dear friend sent me a couple of 30 day challenge ideas (Thank you Lizzy dear!) and I picked one out.
So, here it is:

1.       Your current relationship. If single, discuss being single. (Those who know me know that I am just waiting to sink my teeth into this one!! Mwhahaha!)
2.       Where you’d like to be in 10 years
3.       Your top 5 pet peeves (Oooohhh...better watch out. Someone might get burned on this one)
4.       Your views on religion (Same as mentioned above: Burn Warning)
5.       Your favorite comfort foods and why
6.       Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality
7.       Your favorite childhood toys 
8.       A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life
9.       If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
10.   Your guilty pleasure (or pleasures?)
11.   Put your iPod on shuffle and write the first 10 songs that pop up
12.   Bullet your whole day (maybe this will be more exciting than the last one)
13.   Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
14.   Your earliest memory
15.   Write 15 intersting facts about yourself (Me? Interesting? Okay, I can do that....)
16.   Your views on mainstream music (Oooooooh....)
17.   Your highs and lows of this past year
18.   A book you could read over and over again and never get sick of
19.   Your biggest regret in life
20.   How important you think education is
21.   One of your favorite TV shows
22.   How have you changed the past 2 years?
23.   Post 5 pictures of famous people you find attractive (Kris and Mom have INSISTED that they do this one for me.....this could be very interesting.... I'm scared now....)
24.   Your favorite movie and what it is about
25.   Someone who fascinates you and why (Hmmmmm....Mwa-ha-ha-ha....)
26.   If you had one million dollars to spend, how would you spend it? (OOH! The possibilities!)
27.   A problem you have of have had in the past
28.   Something that you miss
29.   List 10 people, dead or alive, you would invite to dinner. Include the dinner menu.
30.   Your goals for the next 30 days. (Me? GOALS? What are those??)

My mom thinks I should do a 30 day fast.... but I don't know what she is talking about. I am hardly ever on the computer! Just all weekend and when I have nothing to do during the week....okay, maybe she has a point. And I have considered it carefully.... but it will have to wait.

OH! And while I am on a role, I might as well introduce to you, and invite you to join me on a *whispers* online game.
I don't usually stick with online games. I either find the people annoying, or the game annoying........or my siblings watching behind my back annoying. Thankfully though, these 3 annoying things do not seem to annoy me on this particular game (yet anyway). I have found it to be very relaxing and flexible. Previously, I thought that it was impossible to find games that were relaxing AND not time consuming! Don't get me wrong: this game can be annoying and super time consuming....IF you let it be that way. Thankfully though, it's easy to manipulate on the player's part.
The game I am inviting you to join me on is:
Dogzer: free online game, Breed a virtual dog
Yes, Dogzer. I found it before I left for ABQ.
I wasn't too sure about it when I first started, but now I am ranked 69th (of thousands!) and I breed, raise, sell, and show: German Shepherds, Cocker Spaniels, Scottish Terriers, and Samoyeds (they are fairly new to the game).
I also have a lot of fun with the kids I have met on there. Most of the players are school age kids. They seem to like having an adult in their midst.
In the begining, everything is REALLY SLOW for the player. You can only do so much. But later on, when you gain more presence days, you start being able to do more and more.
In case you feel like joining me on Dogzer, let me give you a few tips:

Before asking questions, READ the HELP section. It may be overwhelming at first, but you won't regret it, and it is amazing what you can learn there!
Own at least five pure bred dogs. You make more money that way. BUT don't buy them all at once when you start the game.
When you do start buying more dogs for breeding, make sure you get PURE BRED. you can learn how to tell out mixed from pure in the HELP section.
Don't be picky about friend requests. The more you accept, the higher you get in the rankings. And you never know when you might really find a great friend!
Try to breed only the dogs with Hereditary Strength over 50% and capacity 350 or higher. You get more money for the puppies.
Hard to find breeds sell for a lot and they sell fast! Some of those are: Golden Retrievers, Scottish Terriers, Australian Shepherds, Beagles, & Belgian Malinois... 

And, if you get on there, be sure to look me up (my user name is KatieJaymun)! If you sign up with this link HERE, then I'll be able to find you.
Be sure to look at my page when you get there. You can find some more great tips there. And you can send me a message from there too. I'll try to help you out in whatever way I can!
Anyway.... just a friendly invitation for you to come waste time with me. LOL!

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