Friday, August 24, 2012

Challenge 23 of 30

I got this in late because I was out late picking apples! Yum yum! I tried posting it before midnight, but alas....
Day 23 - 20 facts about you
  1. I am a humorous person
  2. I have a bright smile
  3. I love little kids
  4. I hate, hate, HATE drama. 
  5. I have big eyes that change colors with my mood: green = irritated/angry, blue = calm/happy, gray = bored/neutral/sad
  6. I sucked my two right-hand middle fingers until I was 11...I still suck them sometimes...Oh, I did NOT just admit that!
  7. My feet are bigger than my mom's, but I am shorter than my mom.
  8. I walk (mom calls it a prance) like my dad's mom
  9. I sound like my mom on the phone
  10. I have a low tolerance level for boys/males under the mental age of 29 (this excludes most men in life)
  11. Often, Kris and I are mistaken for twins (though we do not look at all alike)
  12. I am a aggressive guitarist...or so I've been told
  13. I like horses....but not all horses like me.
  14. The kids say that, although I am incredibly funny, I am also scary.
  15. I am often called upon by my friends for advice and for a listening ear.
  16. Like my dad, little kids are drawn to me like magnets
  17. I am a very hard person to make angry, but when I get angry, bad things happen.
  18. I have Cherokee blood in me.
  19. I like bright, happy colors
  20. I sing all the time

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