Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Challenge 22 of 30

Day 22 - Bullet your whole day

  • Woke up to Toy Story playing on the TV
  • Had breakfast in the living room while talking about random things with Mom and Kris
  • Played with Merlin (Kris's new puppy)
  • Turned on my computer and checked some online things
  • Took some of my overgrown plants out to the green house
  • Got some phone numbers from people so I can call some other people
  • Had lunch (Mac and Cheese)
  • Fed the fish (2 betas: Dorinda and Charlie)
  • Folded laundry
  • Worked on my book
  • Listened to music with Kris
  • Did some more things online
  • Helped Kris wash her puppy
  • Dusted some cats
  • Talked to mom about baking one or two of our chickens
  • Mopped the bathroom
  • Vacuumed the utility room
  • Had supper with the family
  • Moved the baby calf in with the demonic pony
  • Called Liz...
  • Did some reading and research
Yeah....slow day today.

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