Sunday, February 5, 2012

Adoption - Tyrone Adopted

If you read my last post, or have been to Tyrone's blog, you know that I took Tyrone to Tulsa German Shepherd Dog Rescue, much to my unhappiness.
Usually, it takes a dog at the rescue a week (average) to be adopted.
However, as of today, Tyrone has been adopted. This is really quite amazing since I only dropped him off on Friday.
The wonderful news was texted to me by his foster mom:

"Great News! Tyrone has been adopted! We didn't even have him on the website as available yet.
"A guy came out to see another dog, but Tyrone ran straight to the guy and just started licking his face off just like they were old friends. It was mutual love at first site."

This is simply amazing news, because anyone who has met Tyrone before knows that he is frightened of new people and is absolutely TERRIFIED of men. I was shocked by the news!

"The guy is retired and just lost his wife. He wanted a dog to be his constant companion by his side day and night all day everyday. He said the only time they would be apart is when he has to go grocery shopping and stuff like that.
"He has also had German Shepherds his whole life, so he is very familiar with the breed."

This sounds like the perfect situation for Tyrone. It is just the thing he needs.

"I do think it is perfect for both. It really seemed like two old friends who were being reunited. It never ceases to amaze me how these things just work out sometimes.
"Again, you did a wonderful job with him (Tyrone) and he is such a good boy. I know how difficult it must have been for you to give him up, but knowing he will have a long, healthy, happy life with someone who loves him (and I think needed him) helps."

It really does help. Knowing that my 'baby' is with someone who can give all their attention to him and who understands the German Shepherd breed is very comforting. I honestly do not feel mad and upset about Tyrone going to the rescue now. I am happy that God really worked it out for this man and Tyrone to be together, and I am proud that I was a first stepping stone in Tyrone's life. It was not how I planned it to work out, but my plan was selfish. I had planned Tyrone to be all mine forever. Now I see how great God's plan is. I was only preparing Tyrone to go to someone else who really needed him. Sure the parting hurt and my heart is broken, but it is bitter sweet now, knowing the ending.
I love happy endings. Especially this one. Seriously, I might even cry about it.

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