Saturday, February 4, 2012

Tyrone's Scrapbook

For reasons and circumstances out of my control, I had to take Tyrone to the Tulsa German Shepherd Dog Rescue in Tulsa, OK.
This has made me very sad. He was my best friend. Because he was my best friend, I did what I think was best for him considering the decisions I was faced with concerning his future. He is in great care and excellent hands and I know that he will find a wonderful forever home where he will be accepted by everyone and live a long happy life.
I was very relieved when his foster mom told me "He is so well behaved for his age! You've done a wonderful job with him!"
At least I know that I am not a total failure.
In honor and memory of my beloved boy, I made a video scrapbook of him.
I love you Tyrone. I always will. I learned so much from you and I treasure every minute I've had with you. You served me very well. Be a good boy and make your new family as happy as you have made me these last 7 months.
Love Always,

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