Friday, April 15, 2011

The False Twin

This is just something that I wrote at random a while back. Enjoy...

Beautiful colors of blue and pink bounced around the leaves, catching Arona's attention. She dropped her basket of berries and walked toward the sparkling lights which began to alight on her as well. Something began to well up inside of Arona then: a deep seated curiosity. She pushed the leaves back and gasped with surprise and fascination when she saw a fist sized jewel in the side of the cliff. It was blue along it edges, which slowly faded into pink toward the center, and the very center was a deep fiery red. Arona reached out slowly, grasped the jewel with her finger tips, and plucked it straight from the rock with ease. She stared deep into its center with a growing desire, and a passion to hold it forever. She noticed her reflection shining in its red heart, and she admired herself. Her long brown locks flowed down her shoulders with graceful curls at the end. Her cheeks were rosy, her eyes were a sharp blue green, and her face was beautifully defined. For once, she really felt that she was absolutely perfect. As she stared at her reflection, she began to wish that she had a sister...a twin perhaps. Someone she could talk to, giggle with, and dress hair with. Then she would never be lonely, and she would always have a friend who understood her. Suddenly the picture disappeared from the jewel, and it slowly began to loose its shine, and turn into a lump of rock. “What? No!” She pleaded, but to no avail. The once beautiful stone gradually continued to become a lump of stone in her hand. She was so disappointed, that for a moment, she did not realize the other set of hands cupped around hers, but when she did, she was absolutely startled, because they looked just like hers. She looked at the arms attached to the hands, and was startled to realize that they looked just like hers as well. She looked up at the face across from her, and her mouth dropped open to let out a scream, but none came, she was so startled. There, standing across from her, flesh and blood, was a girl who was the exact mirror image of herself. The girl looked at Arona curiously, and blinked her eyes. They both stared at each other blankly for a moment, then the twin smiled “What is my name?” She asked Arona. Arona stood in silent sock for a few seconds before coughing out “I...I don't know what your name is.” “Then give me one!” The other girl said enthusiastically. Arona stared at the girl with unblinking eyes. She could not believe what was happening. She had to name herself....her twin....she actually had a twin standing before her. How did that happen? What had she done? She could barely think of anything else, however, she managed to remember what she had named her invisible friend as a little girl, and she could think of no other name. “Nikika” the name finally fell from her mouth “Your name will be Nikika.” Nikika's smile grew until it seemed to stretch from one ear to the other. She wrapped Arona up into a big hug “Thank you so very much!” She said with excitement bubbling in her voice “I like that name so much! Now I have my very own name!” Arona hoped that this was all a dream. But the strong arms around her, and the other beating heart that she heard said that this was no dream, and that something most extraordinary had just taken place.

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