Sunday, April 10, 2011

More Praise for The Dragon's Son

There is a medieval feel to this high fantasy tale of dragon slayers collecting wood for fires and wielding swords. The history, traditions and motivations of the 'Wovlen' are presented entertainingly. We are introduced to a number of characters and the warmth of the family/tribal trelationships is clear. it is a 'Coming of Age' saga with Keegan's tale not dissimilar to that of Frodo Baggins or Luke Skywalker as he uncovers the truth about his Wovlen dragon slaying ancestors and the mystery of the dragon stone he has been given as a 12th birthday present by his father. The prolonged battle scene as the mysterious dark strangers and their accomplices attack the village is peresented in a thrilling manner and Keegans character is demonstrated in action as the desperate struggle and tragedy unfolds.Escaping by the skin of his teeth into the forest he encounters a dragon only to find that friendship ( as well as roast venison and cold showers) is offered him and that perhaps these creatures have been misunderstood by the Wovlen. Pharrgon the dragon is clearly going to offer him information and support as he follows the path to his currently hidden destiny. There is a tendency for too many adjectives in places and I think Keegans reflections on the battle when he reaches the forest could be reduced as there is some repetition which slows the pace. The action scenes are very good indeed in this and the authors created world is a convincing and intriguing one. I am not usually a fan of fantasy but this is a cut above most! Ah, how I wish there was more here to read. This adventure is so well told that I was enjoying it very much. Chapter Five was especially entertaining. I love the Dragon Pharrgon. He has a personality that is endearing yet he is dignified and magnanimous. What a great character you have created in him. Young Keegan is brave and good. I am eager to know what path he is destined to follow. His affinity with the dragon is a wonderful alliance and I want to look forward to many adventures with the two of them. I am involved with this story now and hope you let me know if there is more to read at some point. I feel you are an accomplished writer who is able to set the stage and provide the action to keep things moving along at a good pace. There is balance in your work and it sets well with me as a reader of many tales of fantasy. I am delighted to back your story and give you my stars. Join Authonomy! It is completly free, you can upload your book, make new friends, and read great books anytime, all for free!

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