Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Challenge 29 of 30

Day 29 - Something you could never get tired of doing

There are several things that I could never get tired of doing:


Riding Horses

And Hanging out with my sister. 
We almost always have a good time and we can get pretty goofy when we're together. It's awesome. We don't always have a good time together, but it always turns out to be a good time. I mean, even if we get in a fight (and our fights usually end up becoming a knock-down-roll-around fist fight) we end up stopping, looking at each other and then laughing hysterically because neither of us can remember what we were fighting about. It is so funny.
She is my best-est friend... no offence to any of my other friends out there. You know how much you are loved. ;-)

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