Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Challenge 28 - My Birthday!

Yay! It's my birthday. I have finally turned 21! I'm gonna go out and get drunk! Cause its so much fun!
Seriously, what is fun about getting drunk?? You throw up, pass out, feel like a football head the next day, have no memory of what happened, and it was FUN??? Obviously, some people's idea of fun and mine are COMPLETELY different.
My idea of fun is a mud fight, a treasure hunt, a horse race... ya know....Fun stuff.
Anyway. I am glad that this day is here and will soon be GONE. I don't mind getting older. The problem is the other people in my life who know that I am getting older - 'Coming of Age'. I have had more than 2 people express that they have 'plans', now that I have come of age.
Believe me, they are totally harmless people.... but still. Their plans, and my plans usually cannot co-exist. It makes for a deadly combo.
Anyway... moving on to the challenge.

Day 28 - Your favorite movie

This is easy: Lord of the Rings..... Okay, that is actually 3 movies, but they are my favorites. Why? Because it was kind of my first introduction into the realm of fantasy, and because it is an awesome story with awesome characters who live in an awesome world and who didn't use 'The Force' or X-Ray vision to save the world. Very awesome.
My second favorite movie, and the one that has been a favorite since I was wee little bitty, is 'Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken'. It used to be my most favorite movie until Lord of the Rings came along. It is about Sonora Webster Carver who rode diving horses during the Great Depression, even after becoming blind. She was a sort of inspiration to me when I was little. I wanted to ride diving horses when I grew up. She still is an inspiration to me: if she could still ride horses and participate in a dangerous occupation while she was blind, I can still do the things I love, even if I can't hear everything anymore.
No need to have a rotten attitude about being 'disabled'. Just get up, get over it, and go prove that you don't have to wear the 'Disabled' label.
The movie was made the year I was born.
The Real Sonora Webster Carver
Sonora Carver's memoir 

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