Saturday, August 25, 2012

Challenge 25 of Thirtie

Day 25 - Something that you miss

Well....let me think....
I don't miss school.
I don't miss being a little kid that no one takes seriously.
I don't miss winter time.
I don't miss the once annoying roosters that are now in the freezer, waiting to be cooked (yum, yum!).
I don't miss the voices in my head...but I probably would miss them if they weren't there.
I DO miss my peeps in Albuquerque.
I do miss having a big brother (if you don't get it, don't worry about it...long story for another day)
I do miss rain... but it's kind of hard to miss something you never have.
I do miss my geese.... no one else in the family does though, for obvious reasons: my geese were very opinionated birds, to say the least.
However, I think what I miss the most is my puppy, because I know that I will never get to have him again and I will only get to see him again through a miracle:

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