Yeah.....so, my week has been interesting.
CORRECTION: my month has been interesting....and totally not interesting. The only reason that it has been interesting is because it has NOT been interesting. And only at the moment is it interesting, because the rest of the time it is not interesting.... interesting, ain't it?
Do you ever get bored with life?? I mean seriously? Because that is what I feel: bored with my life. I am staying busy, but I am so bored. The only time I am not bored is when I am working on the farm, or at the vet, or working on my book (and right now, my book is on the border of boring right now, because I have been editing the same depressing chapter for 2 months now).
I think the reason why my life is boring right now, is because I am busy doing either one of two things: I am either busy doing what I have only been doing for (at the VERY least) ten years, OR I am busy doing nothing. And what I mean by 'busy doing nothing' is this: I am doing something, such as cleaning the floor, fixing some fence, mending some clothes.... but by the time I am done, and the job is complete, I feel like I just accomplished NOTHING.
And what have I been doing for (at the VERY least) ten years? Working with and around family. I feel like the only thing I am not doing anymore is changing diapers (which I would almost gladly do right now, because it would be SOMETHING NEW!)
Not to say that family is bad. NO SIR! I love my family, and I love hanging out and around them (I think I do terrible things to their brains, but that is beside the point), but it seems like we (or maybe just I) do the same thing day after day after day.
At the farm (my grandpa's farm) I feel like I am doing something new everyday...and I sort of am. Learning how to fix fence, put together irrigation, check cattle, take apart and put together the combine, Etc.... there is ALWAYS an adventure or something new to do there.... and things change faster. One season its time to plant, next one goes to the cows, and the next it's harvest, and so on, and so forth.
And at the vet, well, that is only a 'once a week' type of thing, but I REALLY like doing it: working around the animals, helping the animals, AND learning new things. Its awesome.
This interesting boredom that has attacked me for the past couple of months intrigues me for some reason. And I am trying to analyze it....and now my brain hurts....
I need to come up with a solution. Perhaps I should go get into trouble. Trouble always keeps a person on their toes. But it also makes their family rather mad at them.... What about drama? I could go find some juicy drama to get mixed up in....NO WAY! I really hate drama. Life has enough drama without trying to look for it!
What about a pet? HA! Yeah right. I have 2 ferrets and a pigeon. The ferrets sleep all day, but when I wake them up and play with them, they make me happy. They are my pride and joy. :) And the pigeon...well, I am going to get some more pigeons and raise them again, so that will take care of the boredom for a little while, but those birds are SO EASY to raise, all I need to do is feed and water them once or twice a week, and that is IT! So I predict that boredom will hit again.
Now if I bought a dog or a horse, I would not be quite as bored, because I would be training them, BUT there is a few little problems with that: 1. Money. 2. Family.
The family doesn't want me to get another pet right now, and I don't have the money to do so anyway.
So SIGH! My beautiful plots are spoiled again.
Anyway, that is the extent of my life right now. Summed up in one word it is BORING (from my point of view anyway). Even my highly capable brain and Mr. Bobo (the little man who lives in my finger) are not able to keep me entertained.
So, WHAT TO DO ABOUT NOTHING??? Got no clue...
Hope you find something exciting today (other than me)!
Some interesting movies that I have seen recently: Legend of the Guardians, The Prince of Persia, and Clash of the Titans (2010). Very cool movies....
The above picture was cool and totally random.
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