Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pumpkin Deluge...

Well, I baked my first pumpkin the other day. I cut it in half, cleaned out all the seeds, placed it in the oven on a baking sheet and left it in there until it was soft to poke with a fork and brown around the edges. Then, using a wooden spoon, I scooped all the pulp out into warmed jars (I started scooping it out with a fork, but it was poking too many holes in the skin, so I moved to a wooden spoon and got much better results). I got 4 quarts of pumpkin! And I was surprised when two of the jars sealed! I hadn't planned on canning anything.
Well, I cooked the pumpkin seeds..... and I found out after they were done 'roasting' that only two people in the house like burnt pumpkin seeds. I think I need to lower the oven temp next time I cook pumpkin seeds.
Then, today, I decided I wanted to pull my jars of pumpkin out and cook a bunch of pumpkin bread. Imagine my surprise when I picked up one of the sealed jars and found its lid swollen. As soon as I moved the jar, it started spewing fizzy, strange smelling liquid at me. I cracked the jar a little bit and grimaced as a fountain of the fizzy smelly liquid started to bubble out and run over my hand. My first thought was "I wonder if there is such a thing as Pumpkin Wine....because I somehow, accidentally made some."
Yes. Somehow, my sealed jars of pumpkin had become well fermented in 3 days time.
The lid of the first pumpkin jar finally popped off on its own and splattered me with its smelly contents.
The second jar lid also popped off. I had tried to talk my brother into taking the lid off, but he wouldn't do it, so I slowly started working the lid until it popped off, and the smelly stuff didn't touch me, but it splattered all over my brother! It was so funny....
Anyway, needless to say, my pumpkin endeavors have not all together fruitless! The pumpkin bread that I made with the fermented pumpkin pulp was DELICIOUS!!!

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