Friday, August 12, 2011

R.I.P - Piper Pigeon

Piper the Pigeon was the number one pigeon citizen in Foglfarm for 5 years, because he was the only pigeon citizen during that time. He lived a long, hermit life in his big mansion bird house...we speculate that his life was happy as long as he was a hermit.
He was charming with the lady birds, crabby to everyone else.
He was the only pigeon in his class to graduate Farm Pigeon Academy, because none of his schoolmates survived the first year. His majors were Interior Decorating, and Flogging. His Minor was Winged Flight. He failed at Public Relations.
His father and mother were Elrond and Galadriel, the high elvin birds. He fell very far from the family nest.
He has no heirs, and all his possessions went to the Peacock Family until further notice.
He had problems with the lock on his door, and thus came about his end. His mansion door was left open, and the Cat burglar burgled him to death....literally. Investigations were terminated when the dog police became overwhelmed at the number of suspects and when their payment was cut to one bone a day.
Rest In Peace Piper. You were a pleasure to all.... even in death.
You made life interesting, you made a great conversation piece, and you made me happy as long as it was necessary. You will always be remembered in my mind with fondness.

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