Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blogger Issues

Well, my blog has been really goofing up on me lately. I upgraded to Internet Explorer 9, and my 'Publish Post' button on my blog stopped working. Come to find out, IE9 and Blogger are having difficulty with each other.
Go figure.
So, I have to email my posts to my blog, which I do not like so well. It is not as nice.
I love blogging....FYI. I just wish more people took the time to READ my blog.
I am going to find some way to get my blog more 'out there' so people know that it exists.
Maybe it is the content of my blog? Maybe it is because I don't have a specific purpose for my blog except to give people something that they can enjoy reading.
Is that my problem? Is my blog just too 'random'?? No purpose?? No goal??
Well, I have an idea to fix that issue: I can add another page to my blog to help sort the posts! That way, it is not so random!
BUT.......the 'Publish Page' button does not work either. I tried it. I said "DADGUM!"
I hope that Blogger and IE9 get their issues solved....and SOON!

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