Monday, August 20, 2012

Challenge 20 of 30!

Day 20 - The meaning of your blog name

Well.... Shanty is another word for cottage or home...
I actually wanted to call my blog The Dragon's Lair....but that didn't fit into my 'diary' theme.
I wanted something fun, but cozy, relaxing, and with a bit of a country/medieval flair. I wanted something very me. Thus 'My Shanty' was born.
My original thought for building my blog was to give it a medieval look (I just LOVE medieval history and lore...but not boring like I just made it sound), but do you realize how hard it is to find medieval looking blog banners and backgrounds??? Impossible!
So, I tried going for a country look....but all the country looks just seemed weird.
So, I settled for the next best thing: colorful and whimsical.
I would STILL like to give my blog a country/medieval look someday...soon. I was blessed with an idea of how to create my own last night that I think will work (I would share it with you, but I don't want to spoil it for you).
Blog post for the day DONE. Yay. Bedtime....ZzZzZzZzZzzzzz.....

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