Friday, August 17, 2012

Challenge 17 of three zero

Day 17 - Your celebrity crush

Hmmmm.... my celebrity crush...that's a hard one seeing as there has rarely been a celebrity worth having a crush on, in my opinion.
Actually, I will make a confession: since I started writing in 2001, I would create guy characters that were so amazing that I would form a crush on them. True story. I usually end up killing them though...I don't know why...maybe cause I can't stand the thought of someone else falling in love with them. However, there is one character that I created somewhere in 2008-2009 period that I fell madly in love with that I just have not been able to kill. I don't know what I am going to do with him.... >heavy sigh<
Okay. Rabbit trail. Sorry.
So, my celebrity crush....ummmm....
It's either going to be Sean Connery, Dirk Benedict, Sam Elliot, or.....droooool.... MacGyver.
I can't decide.

  • I've had a sort of crush on Sean Connery since I was a wee little kid. I don't know why...I guess when he played King Arthur in 'First Knight', I fell in love with his kind-hearted charm...then again, maybe it is just his voice. I could sit an listen to him talk all day long....
  • Dirk Benedict...okay, who has NOT had a crush on Dirk Benedict?? I mean Templeton 'Faceman' Peck from the A-Team: cute, classy, charming, crafty, and annoying. 'Face' is the kind of guy that all men at one point or another wish they could be....
  • Sam Elliot is a little more of a recent 'crush' for me. I watched a few Louis L'amour based movies that he played in and...I gotta say, he's not necessarily pretty to look at, but he is a soft-hearted cowboy gentleman. What's not to like about that?
  • And MacGyver???? You have the ultimate, untouchable, adorable, genius who can save the world with a PAPER CLIP. Who wouldn't have a crush on MacGyver at some point?? Even me, a stone cold heart breaker, could fall for MacGyver...I'd probably kill him at some point, but....
So yeah. Those are the dudes that would be on my 'Celebrity Crush' list. However, I can't make up my mind on which one would take the gold medal.... I'll let you decide that.

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