Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Have the Stomach Flu or Common Cold?

Feeling sick?

Well, preventing it is beating it in my opinion. Take Echinacea and Elderberry (which are both great immune boosters) and put garlic in everything you eat and lemon in everything you drink to really keep the sick bugs away. However, if you are already sick then it is a little late for preventing it, isn’t it?

With spring coming on soon (and Valentines when everyone swaps cards, gifts and spit) it might be a good idea to have some all natural, organic remedies on hand in case you do get sick. I think it is so much better for your body to go as 'all natural' as possible instead of taking drugs to fix a common sickness.

I ran across a blog that holds a TON of excellent advice for all things herbal and natural. I suggest you give it a look: Gramma’s Medicine Cabinet.

But, here is a quick list of good stuff to take in the case that the stomach flu or a cold attacks you: (BTW, keep in mind any allergies you may have to these things. If you have delicate health issues then you should consult your doctor before using any of this stuff on my word alone. That should be a NO BRAINER, right?)

Chamomile (tea) – relaxer, anti-inflammatory, and sedative (Chamomile is a flower, so watch for allergies!)

Mint – Same uses as Chamomile… Do not use mint GUM… find something with real mint, like mint tea.

Garlic – if you are having stomach issues, you will probably NOT want to take garlic, but it is a quick cure for stomach flu and the common cold.

Yogurt – this is a good thing to use for balancing your digestive system. If you have diarrhea, yogurt is especially good to eat. Nom, nom! Get yogurt with LIVE CULTURES in it. The other stuff is junk.

Of course, if you are sick, drink LOTS OF WATER. That is common sense. You need fluid. Not pop. Not milk. Juice and tea are okay, but water is better.

Oh and by the way, in case you didn’t know, I am not a doctor, and these herbal remedies are not meant to be used in the place of medicine and professional help and blah, blah, blah. Ya know…the whole disclaimer thing: I disclaim being a know-it-all who is prescribing you medicine and telling you how to live your life. If you start having issues with your illness out of the norm (like pain, or sickness that lasts more than a few days) consult a doctor right away, because I don’t want to be responsible for your death because you were too dumb to figure out that it was your appendix which was infected, and not your bowels and stomach.

Okay. There. I put the disclaimer on. Seriously, anyone with common sense would understand that I am not responsible for their health, herbal and organic remedies are not ‘cure-alls’, if they are unfamiliar with herbs they should contact their doctor FIRST, and I am not trying to pretend to be their doctor. Sheesh... I want to be an old maid when I grow up so my picture can be on playing cards. I don’t want to be YOUR doctor!

Anyway, I gave you the advice (I follow my own advice, BTW), I put on the disclaimer, I gave you a link to an awesome blog…. Is there anything else I’m missing?? If there is, let me know in a comment below! And if I didn't miss anything, let me know in a comment below! And if you really liked this information, let me know by leaving a comment below!

Ya know... I really like comments. They make me happy. (hint, hint)

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