Friday, January 27, 2012

New Phone - LG AN510

So, this is a little off the wall, but I got a NEW cell phone! It is really awesome.
Your probably thinking "Ummm, so? Everyone gets a new cell phone."
Yeah, well, I'm weird. I get excited when I get a new cell phone.
~I like it! I love it! I want some more of it! Whoohoo!~
Okay, maybe that is a little over the top, but I really am excited because this is only the 3rd cell phone that I've ever had in my entire LIFE and my last one lasted me two and a half years. It was time for a new one.
This new phone is an LG something-er-other... It is a touch screen. It has bright lights. It has loud volume (it works great with my hearing), and it has everything short of a fully loaded army tank! In other words, I think it is the coolest thing since sliced I-Phones!!
On top of all that, it was also CHEAP. That is a big thing for me.

This new phone was only a little over $100. How sweet is that? And it is suppose to last as long as my old one (we shall see). I already know that it does a TON MORE things than my old phone.My last phone I paid over $300 for because I wanted a nice phone that would last me for a long time (and it did a good job).
This phone has a planner, a timer, a stopwatch, 3 different calculators, a drawing pannel, a notepad, a memo, a world clock, 4 different ways to dial a number, music, photos, videos, and the whole shabang!!

I told you that is had everything short of a fully loaded army tank.... well for me anyway. I can't afford one of those fancy I-Phones that do have a fully loaded army tank.
Anyway, I just thought everyone on the World Wide Web would like to know about my new phone. If you want something cheap, but that can do a lot, I would recommend an LG AN510!!

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