Monday, September 5, 2011

Safe Haven

This is a very short blurp of something that popped into my head and, as a result, I wrote down. Enjoy!

The mist swam round and round, and the blurry eyes scattered the pictures it saw, the mind unsure of what was the trick, and what was the present; unsure if the brain was dressed as the devil, or the angel.

“You cannot escape from us. We will be with you wherever you go. Succumb to us, and you will be better.”

“Do you like the music? Do you like to dance?” The malicious voice asked behind the black beard “What is music anyway, other than food for emotions? Emotions are fake, emotions are dangerous, emotions must be avoided at all cost.”

Strauss’ Vienna Waltz played, building a bridge for the chaos that was trapped in the small box: Batman and the Grinch turned the giant Vanilla wafer wheel in time with the waltz and argued about which way it should turn, while the ogre sat on the stool and wrote sad poetry with blood dripping from his blade. Superman flew in circles while bellowing out Grieg’s ‘In the Hall of the Mountain King’ as loudly as he could, while Louis Lane tried to fire a lazer, and the little girl sat in the midst of it all, rocking her baby doll in her little rocking chair and humming a peaceful tune. She did not seem to notice any of the others.

The little girl. So quiet, so calm. Focus on the little girl. Why is she so calm amidst this chaos? What is that song she sings?

Suddenly, the image began to clear, the other sounds began to fade and the chaos began to disappear.

Closer. Closer to the littler girl. Draw closer to her. Focus on her. She is the source of peace.

Out of nowhere the monster of the black lagoon jumps in-between, blocking the path to the little girl. He roars and snarls like a wolfman and blood runs down his face like a vampire “Can’t get the girl! Can’t have the girl! The girl never be yours! You so strong! You so weak!” he screams as he makes small jumps forward with bared fangs “Kill the monster! Kill the monster! Monsters are all you ever know!”

She screams and assumes a fighting stance as the light around her begins to grow dark.


“Freeze! F.B.I! You are under arrest. Surrender, and you will not be harmed.” Wait. That was new. Was this part of the chaos, or was it real?

“Kay! Kay!” that name…that name was familiar. That name was hers, wasn’t it?

“Kay, can you hear me? Oh God, what have they done to her? Kay it’s me!”

Who was that? No! Was that her brother that she saw briefly through the haze? Had her hero finally come to save her? Or was he part of the chaos too? Yes. How could he betray her like that!

“No Kay, it’s alright, your safe now. It’s me. We’re gonna get you out.” Did she feel warm, strong arms wrapping around her, and fingers caressing her face? That could not be part of the chaos. That meant it was….

“Sir, you need to step back. Medics are on the way.”

“Listen bud! This is my sister! You don’t tell me what to do!”

It was him! He was real! It was real! Wait…what was real? What was reality? Where were her eyes? How could she open them?

“Kay! Hang on. I’m here. I’m not letting you go.” AH! A flicker of light and the brief sight of her brother’s face. Oh! But the pain! Where was all this pain coming from? Her eyes! They burn! Her head, her spine…

“Sir, we need you to step back so we can assist her.”

“Kay, I’m right here, I’m not leaving. These people are going to help you.”

Her lips…where were her lips? “Mi…Michael.” The words fell dryly from her numb lips.

“I’m here. I won’t leave. Hang on sis.”

AH! Needles! They were entering her. Or were they exiting her? What was happening to her!?

“No Kay! Don’t hit these people. They are here to help. Here, hold my hand.”

Oh, the comfort of a strong, warm hand gripping hers. She had almost forgotten. It was too good to be true.

Oh no! The cloud! It is falling onto her again! Go away! NO! Everything is going dark. Slipping. Fading. Falling. Sleep. Everything….everything going…dark.

“We’re loosing her.”

“What?! You guys are supposed to be the best! Sis! Sis, stay with us! Hang on Sis! I’m still with you! We’re here to save you. Don’t leave!”

Blackness engulfed her, swallowed her, then spat her out. She felt no pain, she heard no sound, but she felt peace, and she was awed by a bright pink Nebula and the millions of beautiful stars that surrounded her, so close to touch, and a glory to behold. She had slipped into the safe haven that she had so often visited before. Now all she had to do was wait.

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