Sunday, February 19, 2012

'Toe Smashing' Words

I love finding things in the Bible that smash people's toes.... even if it is my own toes that are getting smashed. I have this affinity for pain: NO PAIN, NO GAIN!
Before I get into this, let me just make a point: I believe every word in the Bible, cover to cover because I believe that the Bible is the LIVING Word of God. I believe He put it there for a reason and that it is as relevant today as it was when it was first written.
Most people I know say that they believe every word in the Bible, cover to cover. But 50% of those people give an excuse for those 'toe smashing' Bible Verses that I read to them, or they try to say "It's not a relevant verse any more", or worse yet, they try to twist the verse and fit it into their little box, which is completely un-Biblical.
Believe me, I have only heard it/seen it hundreds of times before.
Honestly, if I got $100 for every time I heard an excuse or see someone twist a Bible verse that burns them, I would be rich!
So, here is a real 'toe smasher/burner' for a lot of people 1 Cor 14:34-35
  • Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but [they are commanded] to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
  • And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
Oooooh! If I had a $3000 dollars for every time I heard someone quote that verse, I would be as poor as I am now! HA-HA!
Some of my friends would have no problem with this verse. In fact, they probably already practice this without knowing it! But I know that a majority of pastors and other people in my home town that would absolutely bite me for quoting this to them. Sad...
Really, most people that I know who read the Bible only read the 'encouraging' verses, or the 'God loves' verses, or some mushy gushy thing like that.
I like to read the verses that HURT! God is not just all 'love'. He is a Just God who does give His children spankings and who punishes those who reject Him. He does give second chances, but when someone spits in His face continually and rejects His love and mercy, He removes them so that His children who do love Him can move forward. He takes no pleasure in death, but He has wiped out entire cities filled with men, women, and children! God loves us so much that HE SETS RULES and He sets them according to boys and girls. Girls are not allowed to do the same thing as boys, because, guess what? God made them DIFFERENT! Isn't that amazing?! Following His rules are mandatory, even if we don't like them. And if we don't follow His rules, we will get hurt and be sick because of our own stupidity!
God is not mushy gushy, soft and cuddly! He is AWESOME. He is so awesome that we cannot comprehend how awesome He really is! Period. End of story.
I know a LOT of other Bible verses that people hate to read and that I have nearly been impaled for quoting, but the above verse was something that just really caught my attention this morning as I was reading. I was like "Oh wow. I don't remember reading this before! What a blow to the Feminists!"
Actually, all of 1 Corinthians chapter 14 is a touchy Bible Verse for some denominations of churches. You should read it if you haven't.
Anyway, I thought I would share that with you.
If you like it: COOL!
If you don't like it: too bad.

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