Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Savings

Ah, Christmas… the ‘most wonderful time of the year’.
I must admit, people are more cheerful and outgoing around Christmas time for some reason. Maybe it is all that ‘Christmas Cheer’ going around… or Egg Nog. MMMmmm! Tasty.
Christmas is also the biggest money scam of the year too! Most salesmen and markets get their big money off of the poor man’s Christmas spending.
No joke, right? I mean, if you do anything for Christmas like what my family used to do, this is what it would look like:
• A mile long grocery list for the Christmas dinner
• A two mile long list for gifts for family and friends
• Gifts for Christmas Angel charities
• Buying new Christmas lights
• Buying Christmas decorations
• Fuel to go buy all this stuff
• A red hot bank account and credit card when you are all done
The list can just go on and on… Not to even mention all the work you have to do to decorate!
Set up a tree, put on all the ornaments, hang the lights, wrap the gifts, put up decorations around the house… and the list also goes on.
Oh, and don’t forget that you are subject to germs as you are shopping, so you better add at LEAST a head cold in with the lot (it is amazing that we humans survive life on a daily basis with all the horrible germs that float in the air! It’s unsanitary! But that is another story for another time…)

Well now, my family has found a way to cut expenses by 80%, cut down the work by 50% and stay healthy doing it.
You want to know how? A warning: you probably won’t like what I am about to say.
AHA! SEE!! I told you that you would not like to hear our great cost cutting, labor saving technique!!
But, in case you are asking the big “WHY don’t you celebrate Christmas?” question just like everyone else does, then read on, because I am about to tell ya.
If you have watched the video that I posted about what Christmas is REALLY about (you should watch ‘Truth and Tradition’ on YouTube or purchase “The Unwrapping of Christmas” from Jeremiah Films), then you probably have a good idea WHY we don’t celebrate Christmas.
The simple fact is this: we do not celebrate Christmas because of its pagan roots.
You may be like “Well, that’s not what Christmas means to me…” or “It’s not like that anymore! It’s different now!”
I want you to know that I completely understand what you are saying, I completely understand your inner turmoil, but you have not got the BIG picture.
Look at it this way: every time you set up a tree and decorate it, you are participating in an ancient pagan ritual… not intentionally, of course, but it is still a pagan ritual as are many of the things we do at Christmas time.
• For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. Jeremiah 10:3-4
• Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods. Deuteronomy 12:31
Now, to broach the subject “That is not what it means to me…” you have a good point. What it means to you does make a BIG difference… sort of.
Christmas was kind of a big thing for my family until we found out all the ancient & modern paganism behind every thistle and ornament. I always viewed Christmas as a wonderful time of year when my mom’s family would be nice to us, my dad’s family would send us cool gifts, my grandpa would sit down and read the ‘Nativity Story’ to us, we could count off the days until we got to open really cool presents, we got to decorate, the house smelled good…you get the point. It was awesome.
But when we found out that all the decorations, games, songs, food, and other things were all part of pagan ritual (Winter Solstice) then we were horrified.
• The wreath that we hung on our door was the symbol of magic: the sign that said magic protected our house, not God.
• The Christmas ornaments represented testicals of the gods.
• Mistletoe was the symbol of seduction.
• The Christmas tree was an idol or an altar to an idol
• Santa Clause was the fat god of metal that was heated until he was cherry red and then babies were thrown alive onto his lap (if that’s not a bit of a wake-up call, I don’t know what is).
• December 25th is the day, world-wide, in all cultures that the sun god was born, and all cultures celebrated this day with hideous acts, crimes and abominations. Even the Israelites fell for it with Baal worship (2Kings 17:10, Isaiah 57:5, Jeremiah 32:35). Dec 25th is NOT Christ’s birthday.
• To this very day, modern witches and pagans still celebrate December 25th as the Winter Solstice; the way it was celebrated in the old days with all the above listed symbols, blood, demons, and other that I dare not mention.
Suddenly, how we viewed Christmas and what it meant to us, changed. It was not fun anymore. It made us sick to know that everything we did, was ritual. All of the ‘traditions’ and ‘customs’ were designed by the pagans.
“Well, that’s not what it means to us” and “that is not how we celebrate it” means nothing, unfortunately, because modern witches, warlocks, and pagans look at it this way: they see us celebrating THEIR holiday THEIR way, and they laugh at us because we have no idea what we are really doing and because we are celebrating THEIR holiday in the name of Christianity. They think we are such idiots! Worse yet, the devil thinks it is funny because he has successfully gotten just about every Christian to participate in his sun god festival.
• Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Ephesians 5:11
You do not mean it to be this way. This is most likely NOT what any of it means to you, and this is never the way you have celebrated it or will celebrate it. But what I want you to understand is why my family does not celebrate Christmas anymore.
Not only did we feel that the Lord God asked us to stop celebrating December 25th, but we found that we could no longer celebrate it because we could no longer take any pleasure in it. We cannot set up a Christmas tree and smile about it or have fun decorating it, because we know that we are setting up an altar to an idol, or the idol itself. We cannot enjoy celebrating the 25th day of December because it is the sun god’s birthday, not Christ’s. We never did do Santa Claus in our family, but our smiles fade when we see a cute little kid sitting in a Santa’s cherry red lap. We no longer take pleasure in that which was, and still is evil; that which made the very heart of God sick.
• And he said unto them, “Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.” Luke 16:15
It took us several years to let all of the tradition go, but now that we have let it go we have a great sense of FREEDOM that we never believed we would have. Believe it or not, the little kids do not miss ‘Christmas’ either. We are free from the stress of the season and the guilt that our conscience put on us because of the idolatry and paganism that we unknowingly participated in. Instead, we celebrate Christ’s promised return and we remember the reason for His birth EVERY DAY all year long. And plus, we save a LOT of money! Isn’t God good?
“Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders?”… But he answered and said unto them, “Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? Matthew 15:2a & 3
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Colossians 2:8

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