Tuesday, November 8, 2011


We Sooners are pretty adaptable, tolerant people (at least the ones of us in the panhandle: No Man’s Land)
I think the Lord has given us Oklahomans the tornadoes, drought, and earthquakes for a reason: He knows that we can handle it while He uses the incidents to wake people up to His Son's second coming.
I mean really, we Okies sit out on the porch in spring and wave at the tornadoes as they go by. Who needs a hidey hole anyway? I guess it is useful to throw our worthless junk into so we can “save it all for later”.

We blink twice about the earthquakes, then shrug and go check fence. What’s the worse it could do? Knock down the barn? That would give a good excuse to clean all the tools and stuff up!

We watch the grass shrivel up under the sun, and the dirt blow away in the wind while thinking "At least this drought killed the darned sage brush!" And we are filled with pride to have a new place in the records for Longest Hot Spell Of The Year. Wouldn’t our fore-fathers who lived during the dust bowl be proud of us?

When other folks are freaking out about the hurricanes, we are just hoping that it will blow inland and water us and our plants! We are already used to 100mph wind. If it came with some rain, at least the dust wouldn’t be blowing around as bad!

We don’t mind lots of rain too. If it floods, we can just hop into the spare stock tank and float down stream to check our cattle and fence. Besides, it’s easier to catch fish for supper if their swimming OVER the bridge and not under.
When it snows, everyone has a party, just like when it rains. It never makes us sad!
The deep snow is hard on the cattle, but we don’t mind too much. We get out our duct tape and wire, rig up a plow as fast as we can, throw a shovel in the back, and make a race to see which farmer gets to drive on the snowy road first!! If we get stuck, that’s why we brought the shovel. We can’t call someone to ask for help and ADMIT that we got stuck. The stupid Cell Phone never works anyway. And besides, the other person is probably stuck too.

Oh! And we are used to bugs too. If we get a lot of rain in the spring, we have mosquitoes all summer. If we have a windy spring with lots of sand blowing around, we get fleas all summer.
If we get a dry spring, we get lots of ticks…and blister bugs.
Either way, we get spring, and spring always brings us tornadoes, and every summer, no matter what spring was like, brings us grasshoppers!

So, yep. I think us Okies are pretty awesome people. We don’t worry about much (because what can you do about it anyway?) and we can adapt to just about anything except politicians. Truth is, all of the listed above is the way it is, always has been, and probably always will be… which is OK for us!

1 comment:

  1. Ohh Kathryn!! This is great - funny! Good attitude to have, everyone can learn from that!
