Friday, October 7, 2011

Pray for Wind

Today and yesterday the wind has been blowing a crazy 60 MPH or more.
It does not help matters a bit that it has not rained in months and all of our sand is blowing away to Kansas.
Everyone wishes that the wind would stop blowing or that it would bring some much needed rain at least.

I remember, when I was smaller, there was a summer that was hot, dry, and everyday was windy. It was a very unforgiving summer (as most summers are where I live).
A small piece of something had blown into my eye that summer and scratched it up, so I was constantly blinking that eye, or wearing an eye-patch. As you can imagine, I was most upset at the wind.
"Grandpa, why doesn't God just stop the wind? Who needs it? It isn't fixing anything!" I declared as I looked out our dusty window at the wind whipped trees.
"Come here." My grandpa Hugh patted his leg where I normally sat.
I hurried over and crawled up into his lap.
"Let me tell you a story sweet-heart." He said
"Once, there was this here farmer that wanted to plant some corn. So he plowed up a big field and planted a whole lot of corn, then he went home.
"He prayed 'Lord, please send rain and plenty of nice sunshine.', and so the Lord heard the man, and did just that.
"The man kept on praying all summer for rain and sunshine, and his corn stalks got real, real tall. But when he went out to harvest the corn, there was no ears of corn to be harvested.
"So the man asked God 'Why is there no corn to harvest? I did the hard work to plant it. I asked You for rain and sunshine, but there is no corn. Why?'
"And God answered the man and said 'Because, you did not pray for wind.'"

When grandpa Hugh finished, I was just a little confused "Well, why should the man pray for wind? He would not want his corn flat!"
"No, he wouldn't" grandpa agreed "But corn ears can't grow unless there is wind to blow it around and pollinate it."

So, even though we don't like the wind, and 60 MPH of it might be too much for anyone, we still need to be thankful for it.
Something that I have learned from experience over my short life time is this: God always has a purpose for what happens, and He always has a plan for even the tiniest details, though it might not make sense to us at the time, if ever.
It is wise not to question Him like the farmer did. He knows what He is doing better than we do.

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