Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Meaning of Life

What is the meaning of life?
That is a really good question.
This question is often included in the 'Great Questions Of Life' topic. No doubt, every human asks this question at some time. The problem is not the question, but the answer. What is the answer? Few know. Some think they know, others don't care, some are certain of the answer, and some say that life has no meaning at all.
If you ask me, I would say that the people who believe in the latter are depressed and often end their own life, or they make everyone else's life miserable. Very sad...
So, what is the meaning of life?
Well, I am very much certain that I can answer that question with confidence.
Being a Follower of Christ, and a child of God, I base my answer off of what God has said. I believe the meaning of each human life is to bring glory to God (Deuteronomy 8:10-20).
How do you bring glory to God?
Another excellent question!
God created us to fellowship with Him. But when Adam ate the fruit, he blew it for everyone, and God, being perfect, withdrew Himself from us and we are no longer able to have perfect fellowship with Him. That does not defeat our purpose, however. God sent his son, the Messiah, to earth to be the perfect sacrifice for us, to cleanse away our sins. Once we ask God to forgive us of our sins and ask His son to wash them away and to enter into our heart and life, we can begin to build that fellowship again. As we grow closer to God, we become more like Him, showing the world what a mighty God we serve and thus bringing glory to Him.
God has a different way for each person to bring glory to Him. He hardwired us to serve a purpose. What we need to do is find out what He hardwired us for. We each need to find out what our God-given gifts are, then hone in on them, learn how to use them, and give them back to Him; use them in service for Him.
It is no easy task. It is a life long task. But it brings so much joy and contentment. Never again will you have uncertainty about the future or about your role in life. YOU have a special, specific purpose as an individual. Do you know what it is?

Learn your gifts, get out into the world, and start bringing glory to the Creator!

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