Monday, July 25, 2011

About Me....

I am strong because I am weak. I am beautiful because I know my flaws. I am a loser because I'm a fighter. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise because I have been foolish. And I can laugh because I've known sadness. I write my hurts in sand, and I carve my joys in stone. This is who I am.
My favorite passage of Scripture is Psalm 139:7-12
I am a Creation Foundationalist. I believe that a majority of life's questions can be answered in Genesis chapter 1-11. Give it a look!
I am the oldest of six children and I live on a farm out in the boonies, which is perfectly fine for me.
I am not easily offended. If I act offended, look twice: there is probably a mischievous grin starting to show on my face.
I am 70% deaf. I talk to 'Me' and 'Myself ' a lot, because they are my Guidance Counselors. However, I rarely heed their advice. Sometimes I have to poke them with a Q-tip to get them to shut up and be quiet because they talk and argue all the time. Oh yeah...I talk to Mr. Bobo too. He is the little man who lives in my finger.
I like writing books, working hard, memorizing scripture, practicing archery, and playing with animals & children.
I often live in a world of my own with people fair, and creatures fouls. I fly griffons, tame dragons, fight goblins, let little men live in my finger, and follow the call of the Great Lion himself. But then I come back into the 'real world', and find that I do the same thing, just in a different format...
I think it is funny when people judge me for my issues, because they usually have the same issues, and I know it is going to backfire on them. I love it when God sends 'hard times' my way, and teaches me something through it. It hurts, and sometimes it hurts worse than that, but hey! No pain, No gain!
I also LOVE to have adventures! Often, I get in a little deeper than I first plotted, but I always get back out of it again.... people call that 'Good Luck', but I say its 'Gods Grace'.
I do not date. I have made a vow to God that I will not date for any reason. My alternative is Betrothal and Courtship. Dating is a game of 'getting to know each other' and 'mushy gooshy feelings'. Betrothal is the pre-approval of the young man (and young lady) by both sets of parents before any sort of relationship is started between the young couple. Courtship is when the young man is trying to win the young lady's heart for marriage. Engagement is when you 'get to know each other'.
I have punched boys, and I have had people tell me that I light up the room with my smile. People have said that I am very down to earth, and others have said that I am a floating, colorful bubble.
When people ask what my astrological sign is, I tell them "I am a sphinx" and walk away... you get extra points if you can solve that riddle! ;)
So yeah...this is me. Heartbreaker, facebreaker, self-burner, and band-aid giver all wrapped up in one package! Other words that discribe me are: Random, silly, goofey, crabby, sweetheart, brainless, wise, quiet, loud, fast, slow, gentle, rough.....etc. etc..... it depends on who you talk to, but that is all the names I am called by OTHER people.
So if you don't like this, then my advice to you is: TYPE IN A NEW URL AND GO AWAY.
If you find yourself amused and feel curious about me, then I encourage you to stay, and I welcome you into my fantastic and mystical world!

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