Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Different people

There are some people that we come across in life that are...well...different. Children of eight years old still sitting in a stroller who can't talk, and could have a seizure any moment. Down Syndrome people of 30 years old who still must be watched like a child. The kid at school who is severely autistic.
Why are they that way? What makes them that way?
Oh sure, there are scientific explanations, and medical excuses for it all, I am sure. But really, why are they that way? Where are they when they don't seem to be with us? When they seem to have zoned out all of life, when they seem to have become autistic; where are they really? Are they still here with us, or are they somewhere else? Those that seem to be helpless, sitting in a state of down syndrome, are they really helpless? Or do they race across an invisible bridge of time and space to a land that we 'normal' people have no clue exists, and partake in adventures that we can not possibly wrap our mind around?
Where do they go? What do they do? What is this world that they escape into? Is it another world that we cannot access? What if it is actually part of this world? Perhaps they stay in our world, but fight the shadows that we see only with the corner of our eyes, battle the things that go bump in the night, and the monsters that hide in the dark. Perhaps they are our guardians with gifts so great, we can't even imagine what they are like.
What if they are like this? What if they are our guardians? Do we understand them as this? Alas! Only a select few people see them as such. The rest of the world passes these strange people by and either look at them with pity, or with disgust, despising them for being 'illiterates'. Only the rare few can look past the 'helpless' state and see the potential and gifts of these precious people. Fewer than that actually get a look into the fantastical world that these people see. And still fewer are allowed to accompany them on their adventures and trials, meet the creatures that they tame, and view the world through different eyes- their eyes: Kesef Eynayim – Silver Eyes

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